Harvest Festival King, Queen, and Court

2024 Harvest Festival Winners Announced

The organizers of the 2024 Harvest Festival are pleased to announce the winners of this year's King, Queen, and Class Representative titles. These students demonstrated remarkable dedication and hard work in raising funds for the school through their participation in this annual event.

The 2024 Harvest Festival King and Queen are Colyar Patrick and Charlee Richardson, who raised the most money for the school. In addition, the following students have been selected as Class Representatives:

Pre-K: Finley Meeks and Chip Fuhs
Kindergarten: Hayesley Milstead and Spencer Edwards
1st Grade: Aniyas Seay and Jack Gault
3rd Grade: Ava Ogle and Keegan Johnson
4th Grade: Jenna Thompson and Brantley Hawkins
5th Grade: Abby Kate Gault and Kash Wilkes

The hard work and contributions of all students and teachers involved in the Harvest Festival have directly benefited the school community. The organizers express their sincere gratitude for the tremendous effort and support shown by the entire school.Harvest Festival King and Court winners